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A sound of a hand

"What is the sound of a hand clap?" It was his master's first and last question. He objected, "I am a Tibetan yellow monk, not a Zen Buddhist." His master drifted off into his chanting. He sat there, waiting for his master to forgive him. "I have nowhere else to go," he said. "I have been here for my entire life, right here, in this monastery." He got nothing. The next morning, he left the monastery of Old Garden.

First, he went to a city, but he could not stay there because his enemies, Zen Buddhist monks, were there. The sole reason he was cast away was that he got into a fight with Zen disciples, who call themselves Zenbu. He was a Tibetan yellow Buddhist monk. Zenbus called them yellow monkeys.

If we could understand what the Inscrutable Master is saying about the secret of life, we would have heard "I am Ape Master, not an Inscrutable Master." Instead, we only hear "Uuk," as the librarian translates it to "Ook."

For all his life, Inscrutable Master wanted to be an ape. When he was seven, he read that apes and humans have the same ancestry, and he thought, "Okay, I am going to be an ape." However, this brief idea was forgotten until he watched Mowgli. It was about a boy, who was abandoned, grow up with wolves. It is unknown why he did not think about being a wolf. I strongly suspect he was allergic to the word bitch or witch. Thus, his desire to become an ape awakened. He had watched Tarzan and Jungle George hundreds of times and studied and wrote a thesis about them: "How one lives with an ape and communication between a complicated relationship."

One day, his friend told him about King Kong. It was a turning point for him. He started to go on all fours and growl. When he got his Ph.D., he disappeared. Everyone thought he was dead. Time drifted away as people who once knew him passed away one by one.

He wanted to be full of hair, but he became bald. His hair turned gray. He wanted to jump from tree to tree, but as his body became fragile, he needed a stick to move around. One day, he was woken up by a monstrous machine sound. He felt, what King Kong felt, to protect his forest. This machine of humans was eating trees, so he went up to them and shouted, "Stop!!!" Only "Rwar" came out. He tried again, another "rwar." He was happy. Finally, he became an ape. The librarian noted "Ook" with a thumbs up.

Now, the smoke of the machine blows far, and the sound of the machine roars away. However, the foot of humans floods into his forest. They came and asked questions, they prayed, and they offered. The ape tried to tell them to go away but could not. The ape tried to chase them away, but they would not. So he started to kill them, every one of them. They built walls around him and continued to do what they had been doing. They called him "Inscrutable Master." He said, "Uuk."

One morning, he saw his reflection in a mirror, bald with gray shadows over his face and under his mouth. He wondered where his pond and forest were, and where everybody was. He went berserk and tore down walls and people. "Uuk?" No one answered. They could not understand why he was so upset. They gave him gold, gifts, and glory. People brought wizards, but the ape's body was immune to magic. Their magic was for a man, which he was not. At last wizards ran away and people left. They thought they could become stronger than a wizard. They built stronger, thicker walls. They offered more gold and sent more food.

The ape was tired and sighed "uuk". A banana flew to him as if it were a bird. On the wall, there was an orangutan that said, "ook?" The ape said "uuk". The next day, he came out of the main door with a stick and started to teach them strange ways. To go on limbs, to tear away clothes, and to growl. Most importantly, to "uuk".

As I write this, I understand who we are and why we are doing this. I will tell you. "Uuk."


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